

Country type
ISSA Member

SA.SI.A (SAfety System for Industrial Activities)

The project SA.SI.A is based on the integration of technology into the current security procedures in the corporate sector industry. It starts from the experience of Si.S.Ca. "Active safety on construction sites.", validated as a good practice by the Ministry of Labour in 2013 and awarded a recognition in the ISSA Good Practice Award competition for Europe in 2013. The platform SA.SI.A allows real-time monitoring over all working areas with special attention to the following risks:

Prevention and protection measures to reduce exposure to dust containing free crystalline silica

The Italian Silica Network (NIS), of which INAIL is a founding member, along with other public bodies and associations, has launched a research project to assess silica risk in the following sectors: construction, foundry, stone, construction of tunnels and the manufacture of ceramic tiles. The primary goal was to create a shared "repository" of the more effective technical and organizational choices to mitigate the silica risk.

The semantic engine ESAW-IRIDE: Accident analysis in support of prevention

ESAW (European Statistics on Accidents at Work) is the European coding system of injuries, adopted by Inail since 2001, allowing the comparison of accidents at work rates in different Member States. The knowledge of causes and circumstances of the occurrence of accidents at work is essential for planning policies for prevention and protection aimed at reducing their frequency and severity, as well as enabling the plan of measures to improve working conditions.

Biological agents and workplaces database

Biological risk assessment at workplaces is not easy because of the lack of a standard for biocontaminants measurement. INAIL's Technical Advisory Risk Assessment and Prevention (CONTARP) developed guidelines on microbiological monitoring in workplaces, in order to adopt homogeneous methodologies of airborne biocontaminants sampling and samples analysis. CONTARP and DCOD (Directorate for Digital Organization) developed a software programme, whose database contains data about environmental microbiological monitoring in companies.

Safety and health at work: A network practice for the support of risk prevention and the spread of workplace safety culture

All companies must comply with health and safety regulations. However, the safety procedures and the spread of information about the subject are not sufficient to avoid accidents. It is really useful for companies to create a network and cooperate actively to improve safety.

Measurement of workers’ wellness is necessary for a good governance

This good practice deals with a statistical methodology in computer science to measure the workers welfare inside a company. We consider the company as a micro-society where wellness depends on both internal organizational factors and external factors related to work. We consider the working wellness as a multidimensional entity which can be interpreted through a set of indicators explored by the O.H.Q. (Organizational Health Questionnaire, 2002) questionnaire. A relational database and the SQL query language ensure portability and independence of the solution.

Rehabilitation training how to use mobility aids

In rehabilitation, achieving mobility in autonomy is a major target. In case of a gait deficit, the manual wheelchair is the ultimate tool for achieving this target: it is a key device in the world of assistive technology (AT) and its use helps to increase the chances of the person with a disability, his/her independence and participation in the activities of daily living. To make best use of the device a training programme is needed. The person has to learn a new kind of locomotion: he/she must learn to make transfers to and from the wheelchair, how to face stairs and inclines.