Measurement of workers’ wellness is necessary for a good governance

This good practice deals with a statistical methodology in computer science to measure the workers welfare inside a company. We consider the company as a micro-society where wellness depends on both internal organizational factors and external factors related to work. We consider the working wellness as a multidimensional entity which can be interpreted through a set of indicators explored by the O.H.Q. (Organizational Health Questionnaire, 2002) questionnaire. A relational database and the SQL query language ensure portability and independence of the solution. The basic idea is that if an employee feels good inside the company, from a psychosocial point of view, he/she works better and then the company gets best performance.

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Contact address
INAIL- Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority -
Statistical and Actuarial Advisory - Directorate for Digital Organization
MARIA CRISTINA PAOLETTI - Actuary- Via Stefano Gradi 43, 00143 Rome - tel+39-0654872433
ALESSANDRO SIMONETTA - Computer science engineer - Santuario Regina Apostoli 33
te. +39-0654874358
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