
The Four Types of Data Analytics

Submitted by rruggia on

Terms like “business intelligence” and “data analytics” mean different things in different contexts and the only way to hack through the Forest of Jargon is with a Machete of Specificity. Whether you're building an analytics tool, shopping for a business intelligence application, or just looking to get a better handle on IT terms, it's useful to be familiar with the analytics spectrum. In this article, we’re going to focus on disambiguating the term data analytics by breaking it down into types and aligning those with business objectives.

Data analytics
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World Migration | International Organization for Migration - Tool

Submitted by ruggia on

The GLOBAL MIGRATION FLOWS interactive app tracks migrants around the world. This application is now being hosted by It is endlessly fascinating to explore where we're from.

The underlying data for the map was published by the UN DESA in 2015. Using the app: Choose whether you want to access information about migrants leaving a country (Outward) or migrants entering a country (Inward). Then click on a country and watch the pattern of migration to or from the chosen country.

Global challenges


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ILO Decent Work Results 2016-2017: ILO launches new app to highlight its results

Submitted by fabbri on

ILO (12.03.2018) The ILO has launched a new web application  to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017. The ILO has launched a new web application  to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017. The app points to significant decent work results in 130 countries. With a few simple clicks, users can access detailed information on the results achieved and the ILO contribution by outcome, indicator, region and country.

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New toolkit helps public employment services strengthen national career and lifelong learning approaches - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission

Submitted by massetti on

The Practitioner's toolkit for PES Building Career Guidance and Lifelong Learning presents concepts and tools for public employment services (PES) to assess needs and strengthen the career guidance and lifelong learning system and services.

PES have a major role to play in career guidance and lifelong learning, especially considering the increased demands for a skilled labour force in a constantly changing labour market.

The practitioner’s toolkit provides answers to the following questions, among others:

Regions / Country
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