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Biometrics – My fingerprint

The National Social Security Administration (Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social – ANSES) Biometric System (ABS) is responsible for validating the identity of individuals, simplifying and optimizing processes related to payment and life certificates for SIPA and non-contributory pensions beneficiaries and/or their proxies through a dynamic, secure, effective, reliable and simple technological system using biometric tools allowing fingerprints to be captured in digital form.

The system is implemented with the following functions:

Implementing a quality management system at the call centre for worker assistance

Superintendency of Occupational Risks (Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo – SRT) Resolution No. 219/2016 established a model for management by objectives and results with a view to providing quality services. This is one of the main management tools required to achieve the goal of meeting citizens’ needs and expectations more successfully.

SRT Resolution No. 260/2016 also provided for the first Customer Service Quality Management System; this was implemented at the Call Centre for Worker Assistance. The main objectives included:

Inter-Harvest Programme

Temporary agricultural workers are affected by diverse vulnerability conditions: job insecurity, seasonality in their tasks, high turnover rates, internal and external migration, and the lack of registry that deprives them from social security. This situation is compounded by the weather contingencies that can threaten the crops and, hence, the revenue.

Productive Recovery Programme

The need to maintain employment levels in order to avoid the social and economic consequences of massive unemployment was extrapolated in the creation of a Programme for employment support.

This Programme was created within the scope of the National Employment Emergency (in force since 2002) to support and promote genuine employment, in spite of the economic slowdown and the crisis experiences by certain geographic areas.

Digital management of medical procedures

Medical committees issue decisions determining the percentage of disability caused by occupational accidents or diseases. Moreover they intervene in the cases of discrepancies over treatment or advice concerning return to work, and to determine the occupational nature of an accident. The management model used is entirely digital and provides a simple, effective and rapid tool for workers, reducing the time taken to process each step and offering the possibility of providing medical consultations when the application is made by the worker, thereby improving the service.

System of Social Security Obligations Calculation - Inspection Certificate Module

The new software tool called "System of Social Security Obligations Calculation (Sistema de Cálculo de Obligaciones de la Seguridad Social (SiCOSS)) - Inspection Certificate Module" streamlines the collection and distribution of social security contributions debt from inspection.

This tool makes the processes of debt determination and notification, in the area of social security funds, faster and simpler.

Digital Certificate of Earned Income

Web application that allows salaried workers to obtain an official certificate of their incomes, validated by the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP)). Workers can use this certificate, issued by the national Government, as a proof of income, presenting it as a backup on loans, rent or warranty. Moreover, the receiving entity (business, bank, etc.) can check the certificate online at the AFIP website and confirm its veracity.