Social Protection: ILO - More than half of the global rural population excluded from health care

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ilo/news (27.04.2015) A new ILO report shows that 56 per cent of people living in rural areas worldwide do not have access to essential health-care services – more than double the figure in urban areas, where 22 per cent are not covered.



Commission’s report on progress in modernising member states’ social protection systems

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The Baltic Course (27.04.2015) Experts from the European Social Policy Network published a report, which showed progress made by the some EU member states in implementing reforms toward the modernisation of the social protection systems. However, the states have to activate efforts across the EU in eradicating poverty and supporting people excluded from the labour market.

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european union


Ghana: Social Protection Policy to fulfill govt promise

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Ghanaweb (22,04.2015) Mr Antwi-Boasiako Sekyere, the Eastern Regional Minister, has observed that the development of a National Social Protection Policy would not only benefit the less privileged in society, but also give meaning to government’s promise to promote good governance and investment in people.

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France: Diviser le nombre de minima sociaux pour les rendre plus efficaces

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Les Echos (11.03.2015) gouvernement vient d'annoncer deux réformes substantielles et, au fond, pleines de bon sens. En fusionnant avec la prime pour l'emploi (PPE), le mécanisme de soutien à la reprise d'activité va être reformaté et rebaptisé « prime d'activité ». En fusionnant avec l'allocation de solidarité spécifique (ASS) - la partie « solidarité » de l'assurance-chômage -, le volet du RSA correspondant à l'ancien RMI va lui aussi être révisé. Bien des détails (où, on le sait, se niche le diable) doivent être réglés.

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US: Enrollment Period for Health Insurance Ends; Now the Tax Penalties Start

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The New York Times (17.02.2015) The Affordable Care Act’s second open enrollment period ended on Sunday. Well, almost. Some computer problems over the weekend have led the administration to give a one-week extension to people who tried and failed to sign up.

Regions / Country
United States

China pension reform targets civil servant privileges

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financial times (15.01.2015) China’s 40m public sector employees are to lose their exemption from paying into the state pension system, as the government looks to curb public outrage over excess benefits for civil servants.

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Old-age pensions
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Qatar (New hospitals to have large clinics for occupational health

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gulf-time (11.01.2015) These clinics will provide all occupational health services for all the workers, thereby minimising the risks associated with their works," explained Dr Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad al- Thani, director, Public Health, SCH, on the sidelines of a training programme on basic occupational and environmental health services.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases