Union européenne : Vers de meilleures statistiques sociales pour une Europe sociale

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zonebourse.com (24.08.2016) La Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui une proposition de règlement concernant de nouveaux moyens intégrés de collecte et d'utilisation de données provenant d'enquêtes sociales, en vue de mieux étayer le processus d'élaboration des politiques en général et de la politique sociale en particulier.

Regions / Country
european union
Governance and administration

[Opinion] Is it time to extend maternity leave across Europe?

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RurActiv (13.09.2016) The rights of pregnant women and new mothers in the workplace need to be protected in a way that ensures the health of the both mother and child, while not damaging the woman’s career prospects or harming business, write Lucy Strang and Miriam Broeks.

Regions / Country
european union
Family benefits
Parental leave


Can developing countries increase pension coverage to prepare for old age?

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blogs.worldbank.org (12.09.2016) While many of us work hard to postpone growing old, ageing populations as a whole are inevitable, predictable and something countries can prepare for. As developing countries prosper, their citizens will live longer and, hopefully, healthier lives. By 2050, the number of people in the world 65 and older will have doubled from 10% to 20%. By then 80% of the world’s elderly –nearly 1.3 billion people - will live in low-income countries.

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Reality check: How are countries taking care of their ageing populations?

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thehansindia (19.09.2016) At the HelpAge Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2016 on Economic Implications of Ageing, recently held in Hanoi, Viet Nam, good practice examples of how some countries were responding to their rapid population ageing were shared.

Regions / Country
Population ageing
Document Type

World Bank, ILO launch global partnership for universal social protection

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ilo.org (19.09.2016) At this year's UN General Assembly , world leaders will launch an unprecedented effort to roll out universal social protection in countries all around the world. Heads of state, the World Bank Group and International Labour Organization will convene on Wednesday 21 September to inaugurate the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection , which aims to make pensions, maternity, disability and child benefits, among others, available to all persons, closing the gap for hundreds of millions currently unprotected worldwide.

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