España: Se disminuyen las reducciones de cotizaciones patronales a partir de mayo

Submitted by mmarquez on (13.05.2020) El Real Decreto-Ley disminuye las reducciones de cuotas de las que se beneficiaron durante marzo y abril muchas empresas acogidas a este tipo de expediente de regulación. A esas firmas se les exoneraba de abonar las cotizaciones sociales de sus trabajadores si tenían menos de 50 empleados, y se les reducía en un 75% a las que tuvieran plantillas superiores a esa cifra. Ahora el escenario es el siguiente: la reducción de las cotizaciones baja al 60% en mayo y al 45% en junio para las empresas pequeñas.

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España: El gobierno cubrirá las cotizaciones a la seguridad de los empleadores

Submitted by mmarquez on (marzo 2020) Los empleadores que reduzcan temporalmente el horario de trabajo de los empleados o suspendan los contratos de trabajo están exentos del pago de la totalidad o parte de sus contribuciones a la seguridad social. El gobierno cubrirá el 100% de estas contribuciones para los empleadores con menos de 50 empleados, y el 75% para aquellos con 50 o más empleados.

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Israel: Adjustment grant to the 67-year-old and older - Unemployment benefits following the Corona crisis

Submitted by siha on

National Insurance Institute (13.05.2020) Adjustment grant to the 67-year-old and older: Those who have reached the age of 67 and who is fired or whose employer issued it to the USSR in March, April or May 2020 following the Corona crisis may be eligible for grants if he meets the eligibility conditions. The amount of the grant is determined by your income from retirement pension. The maximum amount is NIS 2,000 for March, and  NIS 4,000 for April and May.

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India:National Pension System withdrawal for Coronavirus: How to withdraw from NPS due to COVID-19 - 5 points

Submitted by siha on

The Financial Express (24.04.2020) NPS withdrawal for COVID-19: In view of hardships faced by people due to Coronavirus pandemic, the Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority of India (PFRDA) has allowed account holders to make partial withdrawals from the National Pension System (NPS).

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India: Modi govt to provide 3 months pension in advance to senior citizens, differently-abled, widows - The Financial Express

Submitted by siha on

The Financial Express (27.03.2020) National Social Assistance Program: The Union government will provide three months' pension in advance to the poor senior citizens, widows and persons with disabilities in first week of April. The program is run by the Union Rural Development Ministry. Apart from the above, an ex gratia amount of Rs 1,000 over the next three months will be given in two instalments to these beneficiaries, according to the announcement by Finance Minister.

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Hungary: Social security contribution exemption/reduction in response to COVID-19 - KPMG Global

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KPMG Global (04.05.2020) Modified social security contribution rules shall be applied for the period of March-June 2020 to the specified sectors (Hospitality and tourism; Entertainment, film industry, performing arts; Sports services; Event organization; Gambling).

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Financial crisis
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Finland: Pen­sion cont­ri­bu­tions tem­po­ra­ri­ly lowe­red

Submitted by siha on

Fin­nish Cent­re for Pen­sions (06.04.2020) Emplo­yers’ ear­nings-re­la­ted pen­sion cont­ri­bu­tions have been tem­po­ra­ri­ly lowe­red by around 2% (until the end of the year). This mea­su­re is fi­nanced by cut­ting into the EMU buf­fer (to a value of €900 mil­lion).

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Finland: Processing of unemployment benefit applications to be accelerated

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (08.05.2020) Based on a temporary amendment, unemployment benefit can be paid without a decision, as an advance payment, for a period of six months instead of the current period of two months. The President of the Republic approved the act on temporary derogations from the Unemployment Security Act due to the coronavirus epidemic. The act will enter into force on 11 May 2020 and it will remain in force until 31 October 2020.

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Uruguay: Actualización de información en relación al coronavirus COVID-19

Submitted by cambrosio on (19.03.2020)

El Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) anunció que aplazará el vencimiento de pagos de BPS y la DGI. Los aportes patronales al BPS con vencimientos en marzo y abril de los monotributistas, las unipersonales y las sociedades personales con hasta 10 empleados podrán ser abonados en un 60% en junio. El 40% restante será subsidiado totalmente por el Estado, según anunció la ministra Arbeleche.

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