The Evolution of Benazir Income Support Programme's Delivery Systems: Leveraging Digital Technology for Adaptive Social Protection in Pakistan

Submitted by pmassetti on
Body (29.02.2024) This report documents the progress that Pakistanhas made so far in improving its systems fordelivering social protection to its people. Thegovernment has increasingly relied on dataand technology to increase the efficiency andeffectiveness of the program. BISP UCT (Kafaalat),the country’s largest social assistance program interms of both budget allocation and number ofbeneficiaries, has been responsible for the mostinnovative developments in the delivery of benefits.Its delivery systems have evolved significantly overtime expanding in scope from simply delivering theUCT to becoming a system that other programs canleverage to identify beneficiaries and deliver benefits.It has flexibility to be scaled up, both horizontallyand vertically, in times of shock. This did not happenovernight: the government has consistently investedtime and resources over the past decade and a halfto improve how it functions. By documenting thatjourney, using the Social Protection Delivery ChainFramework developed by the World Bank in the“Sourcebook on the Foundations of Social ProtectionDelivery Systems,” (Lindert et al. 2020), this reportcan be a resource for domestic and internationalstakeholders.

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