Germany: More digitalisation in nursing

Submitted by mmarquez on

German Government (20.01.2021) Thanks to the Act for the Digital Modernisation of Care and Nursing on January 20th, 2021, midwives and other healthcare professionals will in future be able to offer telemedicine services, and will be paid for these. In addition, it is to become easier to use e-prescriptions, even internationally. Besides this, a brief patient file is to be created, meaning that patients will be able to share important information with their doctors even if they are in another EU member state. All IT security, data privacy and data protection requirements will be taken into account, as they are to date.

measures summary

Thanks to the Act for the Digital Modernisation of Care and Nursing on January 20th, 2021, midwives and other healthcare professionals will in future be able to offer telemedicine services, and will be paid for these. In addition, it is to become easier to use e-prescriptions, even internationally. Besides this, a brief patient file is to be created, meaning that patients will be able to share important information with their doctors even if they are in another EU member state. All IT security, data privacy and data protection requirements will be taken into account, as they are to date.

Measure date
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type
Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

The importance of digitalisation in the health system and the need to make better use of the potentials offered by digitalisation has become particularly evident during the pandemic. In future, it is to be possible to include digital applications, such as fall prevention apps or memory training apps, in regular nursing care. In future, it will be possible to link digital applications with the electronic patient file.

To this end, on Wednesday the Cabinet approved a bill; the draft Act for the Digital Modernisation of Care and Nursing.

Data protection and safety guaranteed

Midwives and other healthcare professionals will in future be able to offer telemedicine services, and will be paid for these. In addition, it is to become easier to use e-prescriptions, even internationally. Besides this, a brief patient file is to be created, meaning that patients will be able to share important information with their doctors even if they are in another EU member state. All IT security, data privacy and data protection requirements will be taken into account, as they are to date.

Reliable online health information

The health portal is to be anchored in law. The Federal Ministry of Health uses this website to offer a range of reliable information on relevant health topics. As an independent health portal, helps people understand their own health and put the many medical services available in the fields of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in context.

This bill for the digital modernisation of care and nursing extends the measures launched under the Digital Care Act (Digitale Versorgung-Gesetz) and the Patient Data Protection Act (Patientendaten-Schutzgesetz) and drives them forward.