
UK: Budget changes to hit single parents hardest, research reveals

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The Guardian (07.09.2015) Single parents on low incomes face declining living standards over the next five years even if they work full time, as benefits cuts announced in the budget more than offset the introduction of George Osborne’s “national living wage”, according to new research.


[Opinion] Bangladesh: Protecting the poorest

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The Daily Star (31.08.2015) The honourable Prime Minster Sheikh Hasina has promised to eradicate extreme poverty by 2021 and has made remarkable progress towards this goal. Over the past five years, an estimated 10 million people have made the catalytic leap out of extreme poverty and onto the first rung of the economic ladder. This has been possible because our government has recognized the extreme poor as a group very different from the poor, a group with different needs.

Regions / Country

Côte d'Ivoire: L’extension de la protection sociale va constituer "un élément fort" de la lutte contre la pauvreté (DG CNPS)

Submitted by monitor on (29.08.2015) Le directeur général de la Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (CNPS), Charles Kouassi, estime que sa structure joue un rôle central dans la lutte contre la pauvreté car "l’extension de la protection sociale va constituer un élément fort" dans cette bataille que mène le gouvernement.

Regions / Country
côte d'ivoire
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Social policies & programmes

[Opinion] Does the developing world need a welfare state to eliminate poverty? Some insights from history

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Brookings Institution (30.06.2015) India today is already richer than Germany was when it introduced social insurance for all workers in the late 1880s. Indonesia is richer than the United States was in 1935, when the Social Security Act was passed. And China is richer than Britain was in 1948, when the National Health Service was introduced. So what can we learn from comparing developing countries today to richer countries when those countries were at equivalent levels of economic development?

Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Social protection floor
Social policies & programmes

España: Más de 1,2 millones de trabajadores llevan cuatro años o más en paro

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El País (03.08.2015) Los que llevan más tiempo en paro todavía no se benefician de la recuperación económica. Según la encuesta de población activa (EPA), hay 1,2 millones de trabajadores que no han tenido empleo alguno en los últimos cuatro años o más.

Regions / Country

Royaume-Uni: Sécurité sociale - une coupe budgétaire qui va faire mal

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Courrier International (12.07.2015) Le nouveau gouvernement conservateur poursuit l’austérité qui touchera notamment les crédits d’impôts destinés aux faibles revenus. Une mesure qui, selon les critiques, frappe de façon disproportionnée les familles pauvres.

Social policies & programmes