Minimum wages soar across Europe in bid to curb social inequality
EurActiv (10.02.2017) Minimum wages increased in most EU countries last year in an effort to redress social dumping, a new research has found
EurActiv (10.02.2017) Minimum wages increased in most EU countries last year in an effort to redress social dumping, a new research has found
Trust/News (21.02.2017) As most natural disasters are predictable to some extent, it makes sense to invest into government social protection schemes to build their long-term resilience
EurActiv (16.02.2017) The European Parliament’s plenary session voted today (16 February) against a universal basic income to compensate for the impact of robots on the labour market.
The New York Times (23.02.2017) As automation reduces the need for human labor, some Silicon Valley executives think a universal income will be the answer — and the beta test is happening in Kenya.
El País (08.03.2017) La igualdad de género no forma parte del presente de muchas mujeres europeas, que cobran menos que sus compañeros varones, ocupan menos puestos de responsabilidad y dedican más horas de su jornada a ocuparse de la crianza de los hijos o de la casa. Y, salvo que se empiecen a tomar medidas ya, tampoco van a vivir un futuro en igualdad: una de las mayores brechas entre hombres y mujeres afecta a la última etapa de sus vidas. Las europeas cobran, de media, un 38% menos de pensión.
Curaçao Chronicle (15.03.2017) Representatives from 16 Caribbean countries are in Trinidad and Tobago (14-17 March 2017) to discuss the extension of social protection in the context of formalization policies.
The Hindu (19.03.2017) Social security cover for all, even informal workers, is an ambitious target for the Centre and stumbling blocks pave its path. (27.03.2017) The potential threat of technological unemployment is one of the most hotly debated economic issues of our times: in boardrooms and trade union offices but also increasingly amongst policy-makers.
The Guardian (21.04.2017) Controversial Aadhaar card restricts fundamental rights, argue critics, limiting access to free school meals and exposing 1 billion people to privacy risks
The Guardian (27.03.2017) Obamacare will be the law of the land for the “foreseeable future”, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, admitted in the aftermath of the abject failure of Donald Trump or the Republican party to “repeal or replace” Obama’s flagship Affordable Care Act (ACA) after seven years of bleating about it.