Social assistance

[Opinion] Le revenu universel, généalogie d’une utopie

Submitted by monitor on (25.04.2016) Si, le 5 juin, les Suisses votent «  oui  » à la proposition de création d’un ­ «  revenu de base universel et inconditionnel  », la Confédération helvétique vivra une petite révolution  : chaque citoyen suisse, actif ou inactif, SDF ou banquier, jeune ou âgé, recevra un revenu versé par l’Etat.

Social assistance

Manuel Valls backs major reform of French welfare system

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Irish Times (22.04.2016) Prime minister Manuel Valls yesterday gave his support to a dramatic reform of France’s incomprehensible social welfare system, which would eventually transform 10 different types of welfare payments into a single “common base coverage” of €400 per month, with top-ups for some recipients.

Regions / Country
Social assistance


UK: Universal credit cuts to lose low-income families up to £200 a month

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The Guardian (10.04.2016) Tens of thousands of low-paid working families can expect to lose up to £200 a month as a result of changes to universal credit introduced on Monday – the first wave of £3bn in welfare cuts that will affect 1m households by 2020.

Social assistance

[Opinion] Social Protection : universal provision is more effective than poverty targeting

Submitted by monitor on (09.02.2016) One of the most highly charged debates in social security is whether it is preferable to offer schemes to everyone or target them only at the poor. Across both developed and developing countries, we find many examples of both approaches: for example, according to the ILO (2014), 36 countries offer universal social pension schemes while 53 countries means-test them. From a technical perspective there really is no argument: universal provision is vastly superior in reaching those living in poverty and in reducing both poverty and inequality.

Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Social policies & programmes

Vietnam: Social insurance to offer new incentives

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Vietnam News (29.01.2016) Voluntary social insurance participants will enjoy more benefits including government subsidies of up to 30 per cent of premiums, more choices in payment terms, and no age limit on participants

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Social policies & programmes