Social assistance

India: Govt mulls conditional cash transfer for pregnant women under ICDS

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Hindustan Time (18.01.2017) The government is considering introducing conditional transfer of money to the accounts of pregnant women and lactating mothers instead of the current practice of giving them rations at aanganwadi centres to ensure that they get to eat healthy, nutritious food.

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Social assistance

France: Ghislaine Alajouanine : « Des révolutions s’opèrent dans la médecine et le maintien à domicile »

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Les Echos (06,02.2017) Présidente du Haut Conseil Français de la Télésanté, Ghislaine Alajouanine explique comment, grâce à d’incomparables capacités d’innovation technologique, la télésanté peut, progressivement mais rapidement, répondre aux défis du vieillissement de la population et des besoins de santé.

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Old-age pensions
Social assistance
Information and communication technology

English social care system for elderly facing 'complete collapse'

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The Guardian (16.02.2017) Age UK report calls for urgent action, including cash injection in spring budget and development of long-term plan. Social care in England is at risk of imminent collapse in the worst affected areas unless urgent steps are taken to address the crisis engulfing the sector, Age UK has warned.

Old-age pensions
Social assistance

Ghana: Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection outlines strategic measures to improve lives

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Ghana Business News (10.02.2017) The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Otiko Afisa Djaba says the new government is committed to ensuring the effective implementation of all legal and policy frameworks that provide opportunities for marginalized and vulnerable groups to be effectively involved in national development.

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Social assistance

UK: Housing is a women's issue: the facts

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The Guardian (06.03.2017) No matter where you live, or how you pay for your home, from private renting, social renting, to home ownership and sheltered accommodation, the breadth of the UK housing crisis has affected millions of people across the country, young and old, and living in many different kinds of households.

Social assistance


France: Mes aides  le nouveau simulateur pour calculer les aides sociales auxquelles vous pouvez prétendre

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L'internaute (09.03.2017) Minima sociaux, allocations familiales et aides au logement... Il est difficile de s'y retrouver parmi la myriade d'aides et de prestations sociales. Un nouveau site permet d'évaluer en quelques clics les aides auxquelles vous avez droit.

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Information and communication technology
Governance and administration

Protection sociale : sept Français sur dix voient dans la lutte contre l'assistanat une priorité

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francetvinfo (14,03.2017) Selon un sondage Ipsos-Sopra Steria pour Radio France et France Télévisions dévoilé mercredi, seuls 29% des Français souhaitent aller vers plus de solidarité en matière de protection sociale.

Regions / Country
Social assistance

MENA countries: Food security missing in region’s social protection plans — report

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Jordan Times (29.03.2017) Despite plans implemented to provide support to refugees and host communities, the national social protection strategies of the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region lack food security as a core component, according to a recent report.

Regions / Country
Social assistance

Implementing successful reforms: The case of social assistance in South Africa

Submitted by monitor on (18.08.2016) South Africa’s social assistance system – through a comprehensive set of cash transfers -- covers nearly 16 million people. This is a big improvement from 1994, when cash transfers reached fewer than three million beneficiaries and suffered from discrimination and weak administration.

Social assistance