Prevention of occupational risks

Sweden/Germany: Working in the pandemic - more safety and health at work!

Submitted by btreichel on Wed, 05/06/2020 - 08:48

The Corona (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic affects social and economic life equally, employed, and unemployed. This pandemic situation is a danger to the health of an undetermined number of people and at the same time to public safety and order. It has a significant impact on everyone's life. It affects all economic activity and therefore the whole world of work. Safety and health protection and the start-up of the economy can only work in unison if a stop-and-go effect is to be avoided.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

Sweden: Working in the pandemic - more safety and health at work!

Submitted by btreichel on Tue, 05/05/2020 - 12:35

The Corona (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic affects social and economic life equally, employed, and unemployed. This pandemic situation is a danger to the health of an undetermined number of people and at the same time to public safety and order. It has a significant impact on everyone's life. It affects all economic activity and therefore the whole world of work. Safety and health protection and the start-up of the economy can only work in unison if a stop-and-go effect is to be avoided.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Cyprus: Τμήμα Επιθεώρησης ΕργασίαςΚυπριακή Δημοκρατία - Τμήμα Επιθεώρησης Εργασίας - Ασφάλεια και Υγεία στην Εργασία

Submitted by btreichel on Tue, 05/05/2020 - 11:45

The Department of Labour Inspection (DLI) of the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance in Cyprus has published “Simple Guidelines  for the Protection of workers on construction sites from COVID-19” in 6 languages, Arabic, Bulgarian,

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

ILO: World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 - Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives

Submitted by btreichel on Tue, 04/28/2020 - 11:01

Recognizing the great challenge that governments, employers, workers and whole societies are facing worldwide to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work will focus on addressing the outbreak of infectious diseases at work, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

COVID-19: Safety and health at work can save lives | International Social Security Association (ISSA)

Submitted by btreichel on Mon, 04/27/2020 - 08:01

24 April 2020 On the occasion of the World Day on Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, the International Social Security Association (ISSA) wants to pay tribute to all the courageous health workers who risk their lives to save others during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks

Germany: Hygienekonzept für den Betrieb

Submitted by btreichel on Fri, 04/24/2020 - 15:25

Am 16. April 2020 hat das Bundesarbeitsministerium den Sars-CoV2-Arbeitsschutzstandard veröffentlicht. Eine Frage, die viele Unternehmen beschäftigt: Welche Anforderungen sind mit Blick auf die nach Arbeitsschutzgesetz vorgeschriebene Gefährdungsbeurteilung zu erfüllen? So haben Bund und Länder am 15. April beschlossen, dass "jedes Unternehmen in Deutschland auch auf Grundlage einer angepassten Gefährdungsbeurteilung sowie betrieblichen Pandemieplanung ein Hygienekonzept" umsetzen muss.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

France Covid-19 : lancement d’une plate-forme d’entraide et de partage pour les entreprises

Submitted by btreichel on Mon, 04/20/2020 - 15:51

L’OPPBTP a lancé, lundi 20 avril, une plate-forme d’entraide et de partage pour les professionnels du BTP . Vous pourrez y présenter et consulter des pratiques de terrain mises en place en période de pandémie du Covid-19. Cet outil, qui est entièrement destiné aux entreprises du BTP, vous offre la possibilité de converser, échanger des avis entre professionnels, entreprises, artisans, préventeurs, maîtres d’ouvrage, partenaires…

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

Deutschland: BMAS - Einheitlicher Arbeitsschutz gegen das Coronavirus

Submitted by btreichel on Fri, 04/17/2020 - 14:11

Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz haben oberste Priorität, wenn es um Arbeit in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie geht. Dem Arbeitsschutz kommt dabei eine zentrale Rolle zu. Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil hat dazu heute gemeinsam mit dem Hauptgeschäftsführer der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung und Vorsitzendem des  IVSS Fachausschusses für Unfallversicherung, Dr. Stefan Hussy, den Arbeitsschutzstandard COVID 19 vorgestellt. 

Die Bundesregierung empfiehlt daher einen neuen Arbeitsschutzstandard SARS-CoV-2 mit folgenden Eckpunkten:

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

VZ-Austria: Greeting Rules /Begrüssungsreglen

Submitted by btreichel on Fri, 04/17/2020 - 13:32

Ein Beitrag aus der Vision Zero Community

Die Vision Zero Firma Adresys hat Plakate entworfen mit Vorschlägen, wie man sich in Zukunft grüssen kann. Darin enthalten sind z.B. der "Wuhan Shake", der "Elbow-Bump", oder auch der "Thai Wai".

Download the "HowToGreet" Posters (in English and German)


Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type