Gov’t issues Defence Order No. 9 to support non-working employees, employers, daily wage workers | RSM Jordan

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The first programme, Tadamun (solidarity) 1, will cover institutions that are already covered by the SSC. Jordanians, Gazans and children of Jordanian women married to non-Jordanians will benefit from this programme, with employees receiving 50 per cent of their salaries provided that the amount ranges between JD165 and JD500. The employer will pay 20 per cent, with a maximum of JD250, Rahahleh said. 

The second programme, Tadamun 2, targets companies that are not subscribed to the SSC or whose subscriptions are less than 12 months. Under the programme, each employee will receive JD150, the director general said. Rahahleh said that the third programme allows subscribers to receive advance payments and their temporary unemployment credits from the corporation, noting that the SSC will start receiving applications on Tuesday. Social Development Minister Basma Ishaqat said that this programme is the “biggest protection plan ever” for daily wage workers, with 200,000 families expected to benefit from its first phase.

Daily wage workers whose jobs have been affected by the government measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the Kingdom will be able to submit their applications immediately for 10 days through the bread subsidy website, to which a special window has been added to support these workers.

measures summary

The first program designed and activated by  the JSSC, is to assist the employers to absorb the economic downturn, so they can keep the employees and minimize possibility of labour lay-off. Based on this program, the JSSC suspended the implementation of old-age insurance for private sector employees and kept the rest of the insurance for a period of three months; March-May, 2020. According to this, the ​ contributions decreased from 21.75 % to 5.25 %, and the payment of contributions due was postponed with zero-interest to the end of 2023.  Furthermore, the program, allocated 50% of Maternity Insurance for the year 2020; the amounts currently used to provide in kind support to elderly people with age above 70 years old, and to daily workers whom lost their income due to lockdowns measures. The in kind support provided through food coupons with amounts ranged between 36-108 USDs, depends on the number of family members.   

The other programs launched to provide income support, first program, TADAMUN (solidarity) 1, covering institutions that are already registered by the SSC, the employees receiving 50% of their monthly salaries, the amount range between 233 USDs and 707 USDs. The employer will pay 20 %, with a maximum of 353 USDs. The second program, TADAMUN (solidarity) 2, this program intended for employers whom are not registered with SSC, so they can apply to register their employees under the Unemployment Insurance (UI). In return, they have to pay the amount of 198USDs  per employee up front for one time only, The employees gets 212 USDs for the months April-June, employer will pay 71 USDs , The employers must register all their employees at the beginning of 2021 with all insurances applied by SSC.

The third program is the Support program. If the employee has a record, but not active now, at the social security or voluntary contributor , within certain conditions, he/she can draw from his/her savings accounts with a maximum amounts of 635 USDs distributed over three months, or can with draw 5% from his/her Lump-Sum Compensation with a maximum of 635 USDs distributed over three months. This Program actually designed to help Non-Jordanians insured persons to have income support during the crisis.

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