ISSA RSSF: Ministry of Labor of Azerbaijan talks wage increases

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menafn. (14.05.2019) Key reforms have been carried out in recent years aimed at improving the welfare of the population in Azerbaijan, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan Sahil Babayev said at the ISSA Regional Social Security Forum for Europe held in Baku, Trend reports.

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Key reforms have been carried out in recent years aimed at improving the welfare of the population in Azerbaijan, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan Sahil Babayev said at the ISSA Regional Social Security Forum for Europe held in Baku, Trend reports.


The minister noted that last year a comprehensive work was carried out in accordance with the Concept of Sustainable and Operational Social Security.


"Certain steps have been implemented in the social sphere, in particular, wages have been increased by 40 percent and the amount of benefits for refugees has increased by 15 percent," Babayev said.