Integration of social security administration with the National ID

The social security administrator, as mandated in the Law, must provide a single identity number to its members. As part of the social security reform processes in Indonesia, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan initiated a project to integrate its whole administration system with the National ID administered by the Home Affairs Ministry (which was recently reformed in the agenda of national public administration).

Previously, since its first implementation in 1977, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (used to be Jamsostek) had no single identity member for its members. This practice impacted into inefficiency, data inaccuracy and fraud.

Starting in 2014, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan was the first public institution in Indonesia to integrate its whole administration system with the National ID and use it as a single social social security number in Indonesia. Its ultimate objective is ensuring the data accuracy, dramatically simplify business processes and improve service quality to all workers in Indonesia.

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