As part of the social security reform processes in Indonesia as mandated by the 2004 Law concerning the National Social Security System, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan must cover all workers in Indonesia, in both formal and informal sectors, totalling 120 million workers distributed in 17,000 islands.
Before 2014, members (or workers) could only access BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (previously Jamsostek) through branch offices (121 branches nationwide). The new mandatory coverage was a compelling situation for BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to expand its coverage to all workers in Indonesia. Since 2012, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan started to expand its access through institutional collaboration with public institutions and industry; and also e-services using the advance of technological development.
To date, all of the new channels have reached the number of 206,000 points for all workers nationwide. These initiatives significantly simplify the business processes to guarantee an easy, cheap and friendly service to increase the coverage, which now totals 19 million and achieved 91% on the customer satisfaction index. In addition, the expansion of these different types of accesses has reduced operational expenses by about USD 10 million per year.