Доставить продукты и лекарства: более 40 тысяч заявок поступило на горячую линию от москвичей старшего возраста (Deliver food and medicine: more than 40 thousand applications were received by the hotline from older Muscovites)

Submitted by socpro on
measures summary

Citizens over 60 y.o. will be able to order food and medicine delivery by
(hotline) phone and get it delivered to their homes. This measure is being
implemented with the support of All-Russia People’s Fund (ONF), the
Roscongress Foundation and Rostelecom (Russia's leading long-distance
telephony provider). The volunteers are coordinated by the All-Russian Public
Movement "Medical Volunteers" and the Association of Volunteer
Centers.The food and medicine delivery is organized by the Moscow City
government for the people over 65 years of age. By the end of last week 40 000
people claimed this benefit over Moscow City government hotline.

Measure date
Regions / Country
