Guideline 25. Developing a social security culture

Guideline 25. Developing a social security culture

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To use positive connotations to get the message across

The general public in Sweden has little interest in the social security system and many times incorrect expectations of how much they will receive in benefits. But at the same time most people are positive about having a general social welfare system. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency’s communication strategy was created to remind the general public of just that and to connect the Agency with those positive feelings by showing how the agency embodies that idea of social security in a modern way.

Classes with ZUS

The project “Classes with ZUS” is addressed to secondary schools. It aims to raise awareness of young Poles on the role of social security in their lives.

The project presents: social solidarity principles, practical knowledge on the functioning of the system, obligations of employers towards ZUS, employer-friendly solutions - e-ZUS.

The project includes 4 lessons with the materials for teachers and for students (multimedia presentations, videos, exercises and texts to deepen the knowledge): 

Social protection education from an early age

The Malagasy population's unfamiliarity with the social security concept partly explains the low rate of social security coverage (10%). Despite efforts to publicize and raise awareness, the situation remains somewhat static. To remedy this, an education program on the right to social services was implemented in February 2014 through the introduction of Junior Clubs which bring children together. They will act as information vectors through fun and festive activities and will instill a social service culture in their families and society in general.