Service Quality

Service Quality

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Old code

The Orange Envelope

The extensive mailing of the Orange Envelope, the annual statement regarding the public pension system, to all pension savers, creates during one month a season for pension information.

The Orange Envelope is very well known. It shows the importance of working longer and it is a great platform to make pension savers, either via digital channels or through the Pension Agency's customer service, to get help to understand the full pension and to explain which behaviours lead to a higher or lower pension.

Communication based on life events

We have developed three basic life situations for our customers: Save for retirement, Plan your retirement and Live with your pension. To think and plan for these situations helps us to provide better targeted information to our customers, develop the services they need and want, and also provides a natural starting point for our long-term planning. Our communication is also tailored to target groups within the framework of the respective life situations.

The Message Manual

The Message Manual is a brochure, in both printed and digital format, where the majority, and the most important, of our messages to pensioners and pension savers are expressed in a simple way. The manual is a support for all who have direct customer contact, so we can ensure that our messages are common and uniform. The preparation process of the Message Manual is also an easy and practical way to agree internally on what messages we wish to communicate externally.

Adoption of electronic documentation for claims submitted on an online customer service platform

Kela operates a total of 40 different benefit schemes. Clients file claims through a variety of channels. Additional documentation is often required to supplement a claim for benefit. We receive several million such documents on paper each year. 

Kela's strategy is to develop further our self-service offerings for clients. With the increase in online service, the amount of mail we send out has decreased significantly. Sixty percent of all claims are filed over the internet.


From 1 January 2014 the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute (CPII) introduced the electronic service Lana mirovinsko, as a web application for registration in its central database (e-applications).

Social security agencies must respect human rights

In 2012 social security agencies in Germany decided to use the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as a model in their own organization. Social security institutions were to be model employers. Anyone insuring the social risks of people must also take human rights into account. All those working in social security have to live up to these on a daily basis whether they work in prevention, rehabilitation or claims.

Innovative performance monitoring with Sumex DRG Expert

SwissDRG (Swiss Diagnosis Related Groups) is the new tariff system for acute somatical in-patient hospital treatments that regulates payments for such treatments under the statutory health insurance legislation (Krankenversicherungsgesetz (KVG)) across Switzerland on a case-based lump sum basis.

Each hospital stay is allotted to a case group and paid for on a lump sum basis on the basis of certain criteria such as main diagnosis, secondary diagnoses, treatments and further factors.

Adaptive Human Resources Management – Employees’ motivation system based on the competence model

In the turbulent, constantly changing environment achieving ZUS' strategic objectives requires (among others) modifying the organizational culture by increasing employee satisfaction. For this purpose, the coherent human resource management system based on the model of competence will be implemented.