Return to Work and Reintegration

Return to Work and Reintegration

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"Bedömningsstödet" - The Assessment tool

In 2012, the Swedish government allotted resources for early intervention for a restricted amount of new job-seekers. The requirement was that the Public Employment Service (PES) used a profiling instrument which could objectively select individuals with a high risk of long-term unemployment. Not everyone could come into question and resources should be targeted to those with the highest risk, independent of geographical location. The independence of geographical location entails an important difficulty in allocation of interventions at the local level.

Social security agencies must respect human rights

In 2012 social security agencies in Germany decided to use the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as a model in their own organization. Social security institutions were to be model employers. Anyone insuring the social risks of people must also take human rights into account. All those working in social security have to live up to these on a daily basis whether they work in prevention, rehabilitation or claims.

Promoting community centres as a factor for creating social links in deprived neighbourhoods

Community centres provide local and a place for people belonging to different generations and social categories to meet. They have been promoting the development of social and family links by supporting resident-initiated community projects, organizing events, social activities and providing services with a social purpose since 1971. There is a special focus on vulnerable groups and favoring social diversity.

Improving co-operation between the Unemployment Insurance Fund, the Regional Employment Service and the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund

Co-operation and networking across institutions is an essential factor in successful occupational reinsertion. The customer (always an accident victim in the context of what follows) should be able to benefit from as comprehensive a service as possible from social insurance institutions.

CT-Asbestos screening programme for the early diagnosis of lung cancer

The results of the NLST (National Lung Screening Trial) study showed that the use of Low Dose Spiral Computer Tomography with persons with a significantly increased risk of lung cancer can reduce the mortality risk by identifying lung cancer at an earlier stage than the use of conventional X-rays. At the end of 2011 the SUVA decided to offer this possibility on a voluntary basis to those of its insured members who had been exposed to asbestos and had a similar risk of developing lung cancer. The programme started in 2012.


In October 2013, Jersey's Social Security Department launched JobsFest, an initiative designed to get long term unemployed jobseekers back to work at a time of year when unemployment peaks and there are fewer job vacancies.

JobsFest produced the following amazing headline results:

Weller system: A therapy management model for use by accident insurers

Over 270 million occupational accidents happen each year. These cause high costs and losses in work time. An active therapy management approach is therefore important The Weller system offers a comprehensive model for accident insurer case handlers. The Weller guide contains 170 principal diagnoses with over 450 diagnosis templates ordered by degree of seriousness. ? There are standard prognoses for the length of time a person will be unable to work for each injury type This takes account of the type of activity.

The optimised economic benefit of rehabilitation

The economic benefit of rehabilitation was examined in a study. Improvements in fitness for work two years after an accident revealed an average net benefit of CHF 534,000 per case and an average cost-benefit ratio of 1:15.5. This means that one franc of rehabilitation costs yields 15.5 francs in pension benefit savings The effects of occupational rehabilitation measures was all the greater the earlier these were carried out. They were also greater in SUVA clinics than in non-SUVA clinics.