Contribution Collection and Compliance

Contribution Collection and Compliance

App folder
Guideline code
Old code

Control of technical expenses through a pension enrollment operation and distribution of biometric cards

Since April 2014 the Social Insurance Institute - State Employees' General Retirement Fund (Institut de prévoyance sociale - Caisse générale de retraite des agents de l'Etat (IPS-CGRAE)) has been the object of a major reform which aims notably to ensure continued improvements in the quality of services provided to insured individuals by monitoring beneficiary populations and ultimately, reducing the technical expenses of the Institute.

Proximity through a mobile office

In order to be closer to its policyholders, the National Social Insurance Fund (Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (CNPS)) of Madagascar has increased its number of agencies at a regional level. However, the isolation of some areas limits its efforts to improve service quality and the effectiveness of social protection. A special proximity policy was adopted to remedy this situation. A mobile office was set up to get closer to the target population and insured people in particular, and to adapt the services offered to the needs of people living in less accessible areas.

Integrating technology to improve operational processes

The National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) is responsible for administration and payment of eight benefit types: Retirement, Survival and Invalidity Pensions, Retirement and Survival Grants, Temporary and Permanent Disablement Benefits, and Refunds.
Prior to the introduction of technology, benefit processing workflow took an average of 120 days. This was due to lack of, or inadequate paper records. Every department involved in the process had separate rules, some of which were counterproductive.

Improvement of benefits for members and beneficiaries

Although the National Pension and Occupational Risks Office for Civil Servants, Magistrates and Judicial Personnel (Office national des pensions et risques professionnels des fonctionnaires, des magistrats et des agents de l'ordre judiciaire (ONPR)) is a relatively young institution created in 2010, a system for improving services was established in January 2011 for members and beneficiaries in the following areas.