Bhutan: Six-month maternity leave is now real
Kuensel Online (03.03.2016) Parents of legally adopted children are also entitled for maternity leave
Kuensel Online (03.03.2016) Parents of legally adopted children are also entitled for maternity leave
Palm Beach Post (06.03.2016) March is Women’s History Month — a time to focus not just on the past, but on the challenges women continue to face in the 21st century.
FAO (01.03.2016) This study forms part of seven country case studies carried out as part of the FAO project “Strengthening Coherence between Agriculture and Social Protection”. Ghana was selected as one of the countries because of its emerging social protection agenda and the presence of a now well-established National Social Protection Strategy, along with the growing importance at policy level attached to issues of coherence and coordination. (29.01.2016) The erosion of the middle class is worrying, because it particularly hurts young people, thus leading to an intergenerational gap. But it is even more worrisome, as it does not seem to have been taken seriously enough so far, said ILO senior economist Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead.
Le Figaro (01.03.2016) Les départements vont négocier avec le gouvernement la prise en charge par l'Etat du financement du RSA, le Revenu de solidarité active, comme l'a proposé Manuel Valls, a annoncé aujourd'hui l'Assemblée des départements de France (03.03.2016) Tout le monde anticipe le déclin démographique du Japon, mais ce qui arrive au pays de Shinzo Abe menace l'Europe : stagnation économique, austérité, et surtout calcification sociale et économique.
TDG (03.03.2016) Des millions de retraités japonais travaillent encore. Et pas seulement pour arrondir leurs fins de mois.
Economic Times (25.02.2016) Retirement fund body EPFO has tightened norms on withdrawal of provident fund as well investment of such amount in Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana for its over five crore subscribers.
The Independent (03.03.2016) Middle-aged people who do not work in management positions are more likely to develop heart disease or experience strokes, according to a US study.
Common Space (02.03.2016) An Independant Scottish social security system will be launched through a “phased transition” to administer £2.7bn of funding for carers and people with disabilities.