
Nigeria: "We’ll reduce poverty through social protection programmes"

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Punch Newspapers (29.03.2016) The Federal Government has promised to reduce the current rate of poverty in the country to the barest minimum. The Minister of Budget and National Planning, Senator Udo Udoma, stated this while speaking at a Social Protection summit in Abuja

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México: Arriola destaca papel del IMSS frente a envejecimiento de población

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20 Minutos (07.03.2016) Ante la perspectiva de que para 2050 México deje de ser una país con mayoría de jóvenes para convertirse en una nación predominante madura, el IMSS tiene un papel fundamental que realizar, destacó el director del instituto, Mikel Arriola.

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Old-age pensions


A la vista reformas a la ley para salvar Seguro Social panameño

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Estrategia y Negocios (29.03.2016) Se cree que en una década se agoten las reservas de la institución si no ocurre ningún cambio. El programa de IVM todavía no arroja déficit. Gobierno buscará diálogo nacional para inyectar más recursos a la CSS.

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Social policies & programmes

Coûts de la santé: Santésuisse critique les cabinets de groupe

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TDG (29.03.2016) Les cabinets de groupe sont-ils réellement la panacée? Ces structures sont vues comme l’avenir. Elles permettent aux médecins de partager leurs dépenses, de travailler à temps partiel, d’échanger avec d’autres collègues. Et aux patients d’avoir toujours un professionnel à disposition qui connaît leur dossier tout en bénéficiant d’une prise en charge en réseau. Mais SantéSuisse, à la traque de nouvelles économies, pointe du doigt leur prix.

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Suisse: Recapitalisation - La caisse de pension de l’Etat en quête de milliards

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TDG (23.03.2016) Le feu allumé dans les médias par Serge Dal Busco sur la vulnérabilité de la Caisse de prévoyance de l’Etat de Genève (CPEG) n’est pas près de s’éteindre. Mercredi, c’était au tour de la direction et de la présidence de l’institution de prévoyance des fonctionnaires de dresser le bilan de la caisse et de livrer ses solutions: en résumé, l’état de santé n’est pas brillant et la solution prioritaire s’appelle recapitalisation. A coup de milliards de francs.

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[Opinion] Welfare cuts cannot only fall on the working poor

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Financial Times (21.03.2016) David Cameron and George Osborne have repeatedly declared sinc their election victory in May that the Conservatives will govern as a “one nation” party serving all of the British people. Ten months into their second term, however, many Tory MPs feel this commitment is being seriously undermined by Mr Osborne’s position on welfare, especially as regards those of working age.

European Commission: The changing meaning of ‘working age’

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Europa (16.03.2016) Working age’ is usually defined as 15 to 64 years. This definition is for example used for the ‘old-age dependency ratio’, with people aged 65 and over being labelled ‘dependent’. However, almost five million people over 65 were in employment in 2014, a remarkable increase of 48% from 3.3 million in 2004 to 4.9 million in 2014. The employment rate of people aged 65-69 has reached 11.7%; for the entire population over the age of 65, the employment rate reaches 5.5%.

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european union
Old-age pensions

India: MNREGA, India’s Rural Employment Guarantee – 10 years on

Submitted by monitor on (22.03.2016) For the tenth anniversary of  MNREGA, our Research Director, Professor Kunal Sen, evaluates whether MNREGA has achieved its broader development objectives. He also looks at why the programme’s implementation has been challenging, and what the implications of weak implementation have been for its objectives. 

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Social Protection: Invest in social protection for Africa’s inclusive development, says ILO

Submitted by monitor on (23.03.2016) A minimum package of social protection benefits for workers is a productive investment for sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Africa, stated the ILO at the African Union Ministerial Session on Social Development, Labour and Employment in Addis Ababa.

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