
Argentina: Extienden el vencimiento del subsidio por desempleo hasta el 31 de mayo

Submitted by mmarquez on (27.03.2020)

Por las dificultades para buscar y encontrar trabajo debido a las medidas de cuarentena por el coronavirus, el Ministerio de Trabajo prorrogó hasta el 31 de mayo .el pago de las prestaciones por desempleo que vencían entre el 1 de febrero y 1 de abril. El último dato oficial de febrero marcó que se abonaron este seguro a través de la ANSeS a casi 120.000 personas.

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Global challenges


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Peru: Government approves economic bonus for vulnerable population

Submitted by mmarquez on (16.03.2020)

The President of the Republic Martin Vizcarra on Monday afternoon announced that the Council of Ministers approved an exceptional bonus of S/380 (about US$107) for each vulnerable family to be affected during the 15-day social isolation period recently decreed by the Government to stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Peru.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers


Document Type

Peru: Midis designa el adelanto de pago de los programas sociales Pensión 65 y Contigo

Submitted by mmarquez on (14.03.2020) El Midis, mediante el Decreto Supremo N° 004-2020-MIDIS, dispuso el doble pago a las usuarias y usuarios de los programas sociales Pensión 65 y Contigo, para evitar el contagio por exposición en colas o aglomeración de personas. Así, en el próximo pago bimensual de manera adelantada también recibirán el pago de los dos meses posteriores. El doble pago del apoyo económico se aplica en estos programas sociales al agrupar a poblaciones con alto riesgo ante el coronavirus, como son los adultos mayores que pueden tener algún tipo de enfermedad preexistente.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Social assistance
Cash transfers


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US: Stimulus Checks, Unemployment Benefits and More Details From the Coronavirus Bill

Submitted by pmassetti on

The New York Times (25.03.2020) The largest economic stimulus measure in modern history would authorize direct payments to taxpayers and loans to small businesses, and create a $500 billion corporate bailout fund.

Regions / Country
United States


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US: Gig economy: What the new stimulus package means to freelancers

Submitted by pmassetti on (28.03.2020) On Friday, President Donald Trump signed a $2 trillion stimulus bill to help millions of Americans stay afloat during the coronavrus pandemic, as many were laid off or are struggling financially. Under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, included in the stimulus bill, freelancers and gig workers can receive half the average unemployment benefit in their state and an extra $600 per week.   The new assistance program was created to help qualify self-employed workers who couldn't file for regular unemployment insurance.

Regions / Country
United States


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Coronavirus, doctors, nurses and health care workers are covered by INAIL

Submitted by btreichel on

ROME - The new Coronavirus infections of doctors, nurses and other employees of the National Health Service and of any other public or private health facility insured with Inail, which occurred in the work environment or due to the performance of the work activity, are fully protected as accidents at work. Iinsurance protection also extends to cases in which the identification of the specific causes and working methods of the infection is problematic.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

Australia unveils 'job keeper' payments to keep economy running

Submitted by pmassetti on

Reuters (30.03.2020) Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday committed a A$130 billion ($79.86 billion) package to help save jobs as shockwaves from the coronavirus pandemic rip through the economy. The package includes a A$1,500 ($923.10) “job keeper” payment to be paid to employers every two weeks, for each worker under the scheme.

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Mexico: Adelantan 4 meses de pago a pensión de adultos mayores por coronavirus

Submitted by mmarquez on (18.03.2020) Ciudad de México.- El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador anunció un adelanto de 4 meses de pensión a adultos mayores, como parte de las medidas implementadas para reducir el impacto del contagio comunitario de coronavirus Covid-19, previsto para finales del mes de marzo por el gobierno federal.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions


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