
Canadian province Ontario plans to trial universal basic income | The Independent

Submitted by -treichel on Tue, 06/27/2017 - 09:40

Ontario has announced it could soon be sending a monthly cheque to its residents as it plans to launch an experiment testing the basic income concept. While officials in the Canadian province are yet to release any specific details of the project – including how much will be given to residents who participate – the finance ministry has published a report confirming the government’s intention to roll out the experiment.

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Finnish citizens given universal basic income report lower stress levels and greater incentive to work | The Independent

Submitted by -treichel on Tue, 06/27/2017 - 09:38

Finland has been giving 2,000 of its citizens an unconditional income for the last five months and some are already seeing the benefits, reporting decreased stress, greater incentives to find work and more time to pursue business ideas. The scheme is the first of its kind in Europe and sees participants receive €560 (£473) every month for two years. Recipients do not have to demonstrate that they are seeking employment and they are not required to regularly report to authorities to prove they still need the payment, as is the case with standard unemployment benefits.

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Universal basic income: Budgeting for utopia

Submitted by monitor on Wed, 06/14/2017 - 17:09

ft.com (26.05.2017) Universal basic income is receiving ever wider attention. The OECD has now weighed in with a simple but extremely useful analysis of the feasibility of UBI in its member countries. The titular question of its policy brief is well posed: “Basic income as a policy option: can it add up?”

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Universal basic income: Budgeting for utopia

Submitted by monitor on Mon, 06/05/2017 - 15:52

ft.com (26.05.2017) Universal basic income is receiving ever wider attention. The OECD has now weighed in with a simple but extremely useful analysis of the feasibility of UBI in its member countries. The titular question of its policy brief is well posed: “Basic income as a policy option: can it add up?”

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Mark Zuckerberg says basic income is worth exploring in Harvard commencement speech

Submitted by monitor on Fri, 05/26/2017 - 16:44

Business Insider (26.05.2017) In his Harvard University commencement speech Thursday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg advocated for exploring a system in which all people receive a standard salary just for being alive, no questions asked.

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Labour market

Le revenu universel pour de vrai - À propos et à partir de l'ouvrage "Basic Income"

Submitted by monitor on Fri, 05/12/2017 - 11:36

eclairs.fr (12.04.2017) Socle de la « liberté réelle », pour Philippe Van Parijs et Yannick Vanderborght, le revenu universel ne relève pas du bricolage socio-fiscal. Au-delà de l’assurance et de l’assistance, une telle option invite à réviser les principes fondamentaux, entre autres, de la protection sociale. Alors que le projet n’a jamais été aussi présent dans les programmes et disputes politiques, un ouvrage captivant revient sur sa justification éthique, sa soutenabilité économique et sa faisabilité politique.

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