Old-age pensions

France: Protection sociale - les seniors, clé de la réduction des dépenses

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La Tribune (12.01.2016) Il sera difficile pour les jeunes et les actifs de contribuer davantage au financement des retraites et de la santé dans le PIB, estime l'organisme France Stratégie. L'étude vient toutefois nuancer l'idée selon laquelle les plus âgés seraient les seuls responsables de l'explosion des coûts.

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Old-age pensions


President Rousseff Proposes Social Security Reform in Brazil

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The Rio Times (08.01.2016) With Brazilian population getting older and life-expectancy increasing, Rousseff says the country must face social security reform 'head on’.

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Old-age pensions
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Bruselas estudia "en detalle" la reforma del sistema de pensiones presentada por Grecia

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El Exonomista (07.01.2016) La Comisión Europea ha afirmado este jueves que está analizando "en detalle" la propuesta de reforma del sistema de pensiones que el Gobierno de Grecia presentó el lunes a los acreedores internacionales en el marco del tercer programa de rescate, uno de los puntos más controvertidos del mismo y que más críticas ha levantado entre la oposición "Recibimos el borrador la noche del lunes.

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Old-age pensions
Governance and administration

México: Aprueban diputados reforma a la Ley de pensiones del ISSSTE

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Noventa Grados (08.12.2015) Con 343 votos a favor, 116 en contra y 2 abstenciones, el Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó el dictamen que reforma la Ley del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE) en materia de pensiones.

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Old-age pensions
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Financial crisis damage still being felt by pension systems worldwide

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CBC News (01.12.2015) Pension systems remain under strain in many countries amid slow economic growth and moves by governments to shore up financial stability in the wake of the global financial crisis, a new report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development suggests.

Old-age pensions

Schweiz: Arbeit im AHV-Alter – das muss man wissen

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Tagesanzeiger (21.11.2015) Rund 170'000 Erwerbstätige waren 2014 bereits im AHV-Alter, das sind 11,7 Prozent aller über 65-Jährigen. Die Zahl hat in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich zugenommen und liegt inzwischen mehr als ein Drittel über derjenigen von 2010. Einen ähnlich hohen Anteil an berufstätigen Rentnerinnen und Rentnern gab es zuletzt Anfang der 90er-Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts, danach ging deren Zahl markant zurück.

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Old-age pensions


[Report] Healthcare improving too slowly to meet rising strain of chronic diseases - OECD

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OECD (04.11.2015) Too many lives are still lost in OECD countries because healthcare quality is improving too slowly to cope with ageing populations and the growing number of people with one or more chronic diseases, according to a new OECD report.

Old-age pensions


Proposals to reform pension schemes in the Czech Republic

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Europa (03.11.2015) A new Flash Report prepared by the European Social policy Network (ESPN) is now available and provides information on proposals of the Czech Expert Committee on pension reform.

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czech republic
Old-age pensions
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes