An effective economic response to the Coronavirus in Europe (12.03.2020) 'Whatever it takes' needs to be the motto to preserve lives and reduce the impact on the economy of the epidemic. (12.03.2020) 'Whatever it takes' needs to be the motto to preserve lives and reduce the impact on the economy of the epidemic. (13.03.2020) Face à l'épidémie de coronavirus, qui gagne chaque jour un peu plus de terrain en France, le président de la République, Emmanuel Macron, a annoncé toute une batterie de mesures jeudi soir, lors d'une allocution télévisée. (13.03.2020) Here's a roundup of the latest measures the 27 EU countries and the U.K. have taken so far in response to the pandemic — from the most to the least affected countries — according to publicly available information from national authorities and media reports.
Ill. (KWQC) (11.03.2020) - Officials in Illinois say those unemployed due to COVID-19 can "generally qualify for unemployment benefits to the full extent permitted by federal law." Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Employment Security announced Wednesday they'll take additional steps to support those impacted by COVID-19. The Pritzker Administration will file emergency rules this week to clarify those unemployed due to COVID-19 can qualify. (11.03.2020)El Gobierno aprobará hoy varias medidas del plan de choque para amortiguar el impacto económico de la crisis provocada por la pandemia. La más clara será la creación de una prestación que pagará la Seguridad Social para los padres que tengan que cuidar a sus hijos durante el cierre de las aulas por la Covid-19 y su empresa no pueda ofrecerles alternativas, según ha anunciado este miércoles el ministro de Seguridad Social, José Luis Escrivá. También se esperan facilitar ERTE en empresas afectadas por la crisis con compensaciones para los trabajadores. (06.03.2020) Europe’s social policies are sometimes seen as overly generous. Yet they may help cushion the economic impact of the virus (09.03.2020) Top stories include updates from the World Health Organisation, lessons from an outbreak simulation and first-hand accounts from doctors in Italy.