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Technical Cooperation Project “Modernization of Social Security of Mozambique" – Brazil and Mozambique

A project of Technical Cooperation between Developing Countries (Brazil and Mozambique) entitled "Modernization of Social Security of Mozambique", signed on December 3, 2010. Organizations involved:


  • Secretariat of Social Security;
  • National Institute of Social Security (INSS);
  • Social Security Information and Technology Company (DATAPREV);
  • Brazilian Agency for International Cooperation (ABC).


Improving the quality of and treatment at ISSSTE emergency services

The quality perceived by users of emergency services does not necessarily reflect the technical quality of the care they receive. The emotional condition of users, patients and relatives in such situations means that the degree of satisfaction perceived by them is affected by factors that are quite distinct from the medical care actually provided. This paper presents the outcome of implementing a care model aimed at influencing such areas of opportunity.

Formalizing enterprises and workers in the shared economy (transporting passengers using mobile phone applications: UBER, Cabify, EasyGo)

The 21st century advent in our country of the sharing economy, which involves the contracting of goods and services through electronic platforms, has led to the emergence of disruptive enterprises such as the hiring of transport services through mobile phone applications.

Calificación Tributaria (Contributor profiling system), a management tool based on contributor behaviour

The Social Insurance Bank (Banco de Previsión Social ‒ BPS) has developed measures to discourage the non-compliance of those paying social security contributions and to promptly recover debts by applying controls that discourage the adoption of irregular behaviour.

The Contributor Profiling System (Calificación Tributaria) is a model that describes each contributor as a function of the possible risks in their dealings with BPS from the time of their admission to the scheme, as derived from coefficients of trustworthiness based on their past behaviour.

Implementing a quality management system at the call centre for worker assistance

Superintendency of Occupational Risks (Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo – SRT) Resolution No. 219/2016 established a model for management by objectives and results with a view to providing quality services. This is one of the main management tools required to achieve the goal of meeting citizens’ needs and expectations more successfully.

SRT Resolution No. 260/2016 also provided for the first Customer Service Quality Management System; this was implemented at the Call Centre for Worker Assistance. The main objectives included:

A guidance manual on workplace health promotion

The good practice refers to a manual that brings together Chilean Safety Association (Asociación Chilena de Seguridad – ACHS) methodology and experience in the implementation of effective health promotion strategies.

The manual systematically describes all the phases, activities, considerations and tools involved for the effective implementation of a workplace health promotion strategy.

The manual makes it possible to share the most effective method of workplace health promotion with other workplaces, organizations and countries.