

Region type

Improvement of the information management system for staff selection

  • Recruitment of Human Resources in the Social Health Insurance Institute (Seguro Social de Salud (EsSalud) was carried out through the reception of documents that were delivered physically in the same Assistance Network (or Hospital), producing an applicant participation lower than expected (mainly in positions for specialty physicians in more remote areas of the country), shortage in Human Resources, and complaints from citizens through the country.

Improving the quality of nursing care by implementing a standardized registry in cardiac intensive care units

Nursing care focuses on providing timely, ongoing, efficient, and human care directed towards the service provider and the user's satisfaction, contributing to the quality of care services in The National Cardiovascular Institute (Instituto Nacional Cardiovascular (INCOR)), EsSalud.

Repeatable Medical Prescriptions Programme

The Repeatable Medical Prescriptions Programme aims to keep track of prescriptions for beneficiaries who go to first and second level medical units and follow controlled treatments for chronic-degenerative diseases, so that the patient can refill their medication over a period of 90 days, i.e. on the first consultation and the following two months. This optimizes the agenda of doctors who can provide services to other patients.

Adult Overweight and Obesity Preventive and Curative Programme

Under the Adult Overweight and Obesity Preventive and Curative Programme (Programa de Prevención y Regresión del Sobrepeso y Obesidad (PPRESyO)), the follow-up of patients used to be done empirically by means of a flat file, which resulted in lack of monitoring. For this reason, it was necessary to develop a user-friendly and intuitive technological platform to improve the service. This platform consists of tools for nutritional diagnosis, a calculator of protein and carbohydrate distribution, and the monitoring of the patient's diet.

Personal Loans Call Centre

During the second half of 2013 and the first of half 2014, a comprehensive analysis including all delegations and national administrative units identified the need to develop a tool to provide information and advice to beneficiaries in relation to their personal loans, thus avoiding unnecessary visits to the offices of the State Employees' Social Security and Social Services Institute (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE)).

Electronic Personal Payment Form

  • Nowadays, new technologies offer the opportunity to improve the quality of life of those who use them. In its mission to contribute to the satisfaction and overall wellbeing of its beneficiaries, as well as to provide better quality services, the State Employees' Social Security and Social Services Institute (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE)) has been constantly innovating.

Support training course for non-professional carers of the elderly

The tendency to care for people with health impairments at home has been growing in recent decades. This has led health and social security institutions to identify households as settings for care, and the family, as a fundamental element to support this practice. In this context, the State Employees' Social Security and Social Services Institute (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE)) has developed an interactive multimedia course that can be consulted by anyone with internet access.

"Consultas ANSES": Answering queries via social networks

This good practice, Consultas ANSES, was aimed at creating a new channel of direct communication with citizens through social networks, with the objective of answering queries on social security programmes and benefits in an easy and fast way. This application for online queries is directed to social networks users and, in a year of implementation, managed to answer in real time their most frequently asked questions (FAQ) and to solve complex queries by means of a personalized customer service.

Implementation of occupational therapy services in primary health care

The main line of action of the Mutual Association for the Protection of the Family is to provide for the health of its members; to that end, it promotes the primary health care model, which provides access to an inclusive, participatory and effective healthcare system.

The Social Service of the Mutual Association has developed the area of occupational therapy, focusing on prevention and the promotion of health and welfare, functional performance assistance services and therapeutic activity workshops.