Accidents du travail - une centaine de décès en Tchéquie en 2016

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Radio Prague (13.06.2017) Environ 40 000 employés ont été blessés et 104 personnes ont perdu la vie dans des accidents du travail en 2016. Une situation que décrit un article du journal en ligne Denik Referendum. Selon l’auteur de ce texte, le nouvel amendement au Code du travail, actuellement discuté par les parlementaires, pourrait permettre de mieux garantir la santé des travailleurs.

Regions / Country
czech republic
Occupational accidents and diseases

Ireland: Department of Social Protection earns €300m by reviewing Dublin social welfare claims

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Dublin Live (11.06.2017) New figures show the Department of Social Protection netted billions investigating social welfare fraud when Ireland was in the midst of recovering from economic collapse.

Regions / Country
Error, evasion and fraud
Governance and administration

El drama del desempleo agobia a los argentinos

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El Tiempo (14.06.2017) La exclusión y el desempleo son las caras más visibles de la crisis argentina bajo el gobierno de Mauricio Macri. La primera se palpa ya en la orgullosa Buenos Aires, donde hay cada vez más personas viviendo en situación de calle, no solo individuos expulsados del sistema y en desgracia por adicciones.

Regions / Country


France: Les plateformes collaboratives, l’emploi et la protection sociale

Submitted by monitor on (Mai 2017) Ce rapport est une première tentative, à l’initiative de l’IGAS, pour décrire et analyser, en France, l’impact des plateformes collaboratives (comme Uber, Airbnb, Blablacar ou LeBonCoin) sur le marché du travail, la sécurité sociale, l’assurance chômage….

Regions / Country
Technological transition
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Big Data’s Impact on Social Services

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Big Data’s Impact on Social Services
By Lindsey Getz
Social Work Today
Vol. 14 No. 2 P. 28

The amount of data being produced and used on a daily basis has exploded, and that increasing volume has required new solutions for processing and managing it. Nicknamed “Big Data,” the generation of all this information and how to analyze it have implications that affect the social work profession.


Regions / Country
United States
Information and communication technology
Data management
Service quality


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Document Type

Poor punished by onerous car emissions standards

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Think-tank says discouraging petrol and diesel vehicles risks creating divisions.

The rush by global policymakers to discourage the use of petrol and diesel cars risks punishing the poorest in society.

Increasingly onerous emissions standards as well as the promotion of ride-sharing and electric cars risks benefiting the wealthy and those in big cities at the expense of the poor and those in rural areas, according to a new report.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

Lyft to launch self-driving test in new Uber challenge

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Ride-hailing company partners with nuTonomy in latest battle with US rival

Ride-hailing company Lyft, Uber’s chief US rival, will begin its first pilot programme for self-driving taxis in Boston later this year in conjunction with nuTonomy, the autonomous car start-up.

The partnership will present a new competitive challenge to Uber, which recently fired its top self-driving engineer and is in the middle of a trade secrets lawsuit from Waymo, the self-driving unit of Alphabet.

Regions / Country
United States
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type