Bosnia and Herzegovina: Law introduces 10 measures to mitigate the negative economic consequences of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic

Submitted by rmensing on

The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at today's urgent, telephone session, proposed that the Law on Mitigation of Negative Economic Consequences Caused by the Virus Crown Pandemic be adopted by the FBiH Parliament in an emergency procedure, in accordance with Article 191 of the Rules of Procedure and Article 186 of the Rules of Procedure The House of Peoples, which stipulates that a law can be passed by emergency procedure only if it regulates relations and issues for which there is an urgent need and if its enactment in a regular procedure could cause adverse consequences for the Federation of FBiH.
This law was proposed to mitigate the negative economic consequences for the Federation of BiH economy, given the enormous negative economic consequences that will arise in the coming period as a result of the state of the accident, given that a large number of businesses have suspended their work, leading to a significant disruption of normal business flows.
The law prescribes subsidizing contributions for compulsory insurance, suspending the calculation and payment of default interest on public revenues, abolishing the obligation to pay advance payment of income tax, abolishing the obligation to pay advance payment of personal income tax, suspends all administrative, litigation, non-litigation and enforcement proceedings during the balance. accidents, suspension of the calculation of default interest on late payments in debt and credit relations, suspension of enforced collection, maintenance of stability of certain payments, delays in the application of regulations, and the establishment of a Guarantee Fund.
The provisions of this law apply to all business entities that meet the requirements prescribed by this law. If other laws conflict with this law, this law shall apply.
The Federal Government has today granted to the Institute for Public Health of the Sarajevo Canton the facility of the former Army Medical Center in the circle of General Hospital “Prim. dr. Abdulah Nakash ”, measuring 1,560 m2.
The FBiH Department for Joint Affairs is tasked with drawing up a contract with the Institute for Public Health of the Canton of Sarajevo to regulate the issue of fees for utilities and maintenance of infrastructure (consumption of electricity, heating, water, telephone, waste removal and other obligations arising from the use real estate).





- It is a budget item managed by the Government, without the establishment of new legal entities and new employment. In addition, we give the Development Bank a deposit of KM 80 million for the establishment of a Guarantee Fund, as a measure of support for maintaining the liquidity of small and medium-sized enterprises - he said.

He explained that this approach is applied by almost all countries in the region and the European Union, because the Guarantee Fund's resources are multiplying, so that 400 million KM will be available for small and medium-sized enterprises.

measures summary

10 measures to mitigate the negative economic consequences of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic:

  • Subsidising contributions for compulsory insurance,
  • suspending the calculation and payment of default interest on public revenues,
  • abolishing the obligation to pay advance payment of income tax,
  • abolishing the obligation to pay advance payment of personal income tax,
  • suspends all administrative, litigation, non-litigation and enforcement proceedings during the state of emergency
  • suspension of the calculation of default interest on late payments in debt and credit relations,
  • suspension of enforced collection,
  • maintenance of stability of certain payments,
  • delays in the application of regulations,
  • establishment of a Guarantee Fund: deposit of KM 80 million (40,000,000 USD) for the establishment of a Guarantee Fund, as a measure of support for maintaining the liquidity of small and medium-sized enterprises. Guarantee Fund's resources are multiplying, so that 400 million KM will be available for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Measure date
Regions / Country
Global challenges
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