Bachelet's Visit to Venezuela Shows Gov't Social Protection Efforts

Submitted by dfabbri on

Prensa Latina (25.06.2019) United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet''s agenda in Venezuela allowed her to show the Executive''s efforts for social protection, MP Gladys Requena said Tuesday. According to the Vice President of the National Constituent Assembly, the visit strengthened the Venezuelan government and its efforts to protect the people while confirming the impact of the economic, financial and commercial blockade.

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United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet''s agenda in Venezuela allowed her to show the Executive''s efforts for social protection, MP Gladys Requena said Tuesday.

According to the Vice President of the National Constituent Assembly, the visit strengthened the Venezuelan government and its efforts to protect the people while confirming the impact of the economic, financial and commercial blockade.

The technical working groups that presented the advances and negative effects of the restrictive measures clearly revealed the consequences of this blockade imposed by the United States, she said.

'The effort of the Venezuelan Revolution to prioritize protection in the midst of war, when purchasing power is affected by induced inflation,' she pointed out in an interview with Venezolana de Television.

On July 5, the senior official will present a report about the situation in Venezuela from the human rights point of view, which will make it possible to defend the basic principles of international law and confirm the project that Venezuelans want, the MP added.

Requena said Bachelet's visit also demonstrated recognition of the legitimacy of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. With this international support for the Revolution, the Venezuelan opposition was 'displaced and cornered' by ignoring the legal channels to solve the differences.

They are not the call for invasion, the establishment of war scenarios, the coup d'etat or the frustrated assassination of the President, the tools to solve differences,' Requena asserted.