Improving the working conditions of platform workers

Submitted by pmassetti on

European Parliament (17.01.2024) Although a provisional political agreement between the Council and Parliament was announced on 13 December 2023, 10 Member States could not endorse this agreement on 22 December 2023. The Belgian Presidency is seeking to revive informal discussions with the European Parliament so as to set a date for new negotiations. Platform work is an umbrella concept covering a heterogeneous group of economic activities completed through a digital platform. Platform workers' rights are not enshrined in EU labour law and this is increasingly leading to problems relating to various aspects of their work and human development. To remedy this situation, the European Commission submitted a proposal for a directive aimed at improving the working conditions of platform workers, clarifying their employment status, and establishing the first EU rules for the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace. The European Parliament had adopted its negotiating mandate on the file on 2 February 2023; while the Council agreed its general approach on 12 June 2023. Fourth edition of a briefing originally drafted by Monika Kiss. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.

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Digital plateform workers