Social registries: A gateway to social and economic inclusion

Submitted by pmassetti on
Body (01.11.2023) Identifying those who are most in need of social protection services and benefits is a challenge for any decision maker. The erroneous identification of the population group that needs assistance may result in serious consequences in terms of equality, effectiveness of public expenditure, and primarily, the legitimacy of any country’s social policy. In Latin America and the Caribbean, social registries have become a key element in the design and implementation of social policy. They allow for the transparent identification of the persons living in poverty and vulnerable situations and serve as a tool for monitoring changes in the level of wellbeing of each person or family identified. More than information systems, social registries are a key instrument for policy management and the social and economic inclusion of the most vulnerable groups . Good social registries help with the identification of those who need to be reached and the exploration of where possible care gaps exist.

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