Bolivia: Bono Familia ampliado

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abi (05.04.2020) The national government regulated the health guidelines, the prioritization of economic resources, and expanded the payment of the Family Bonus to students with disabilities in the public system, in addition to carrying out a communication strategy, through the promulgation of Supreme Decree 4205 that regulates Law 1293 for the Prevention, Containment and Treatment of the Infection by the coronavirus COVID-19.

measures summary

The national government regulated the health guidelines, the prioritization of economic resources, and expanded the payment of the Family Bonus to students with disabilities in the public system.

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La Paz, Apr 5 (ABI) .- The national government regulated the health guidelines, the prioritization of economic resources, and expanded the payment of the Family Bonus to students with disabilities in the public system, in addition to carrying out a communication strategy, through the promulgation of Supreme Decree 4205 that regulates Law 1293 for the Prevention, Containment and Treatment of the Infection by the coronavirus COVID-19.

The Supreme Decree was approved by the Ministerial Cabinet and establishes 12 articles, among which it reiterates that the Ministry of Health constitutes the governing body and that the Departmental Health Services must coordinate the implementation of measures against COVID-19, with municipal and native authorities, says a statement from the Ministry of Public Works.

Short-term social security entities must have the accumulated resources in cash and banks to prioritize the acquisition of biosafety equipment, furniture and medical supplies, among others.

Also, the municipalities must provide the necessary equipment and supplies and the hiring of human resources. For this they may carry out internal budgetary modifications.

It establishes that the central level and the autonomous territorial entities, according to their powers, will provide the logistical means for the Armed Forces to assist in the effective control of border posts.

Health establishments, clinics and others in the public, short-term social security and private subsectors are obliged to provide care and treatment against the disease and will provide free medicines for infected people.

The Vice Ministry of Traditional Medicine and Interculturality will implement healing practices of natural medicines that help to improve the health situation of people affected by the Coronavirus, but that will not replace medical consultation.

Among the additional provisions, the Supreme Decree extends the scope of the Family Bonus of 500 Bolivians to students with different abilities who are trained in Public Special Education Centers, the Ministry of Public Works reported.

The Ministries of Communication and Health will coordinate a communication strategy for educational campaigns.