Costa Rica; Nueva reforma de pensiones se conocerá hasta 2017
La Republica NET (04.09.2015) Si aumentarán las cuotas obrero patronales o la edad para pensionarse, son temas que se conocerán hasta el 2017, de momento solo habrá medidas paliativas.
La Republica NET (04.09.2015) Si aumentarán las cuotas obrero patronales o la edad para pensionarse, son temas que se conocerán hasta el 2017, de momento solo habrá medidas paliativas.
La Prensa (03.09.2015) Hoy entra en vigor la nueva Ley Marco de Protección Social que asegura al menos el 50% de las prestaciones de los nuevos trabajadores y ampliará la red de cobertura y servicios médicos que ofrece actualmente el Instituto Hondureño de Seguridad Social (IHSS). (01.09.2015) As a role model for social insurance systems, Mongolia, with the help of the ILO, shares its efficient single window system for social services with other countries in South East Asia. (29.08.2015) Le directeur général de la Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (CNPS), Charles Kouassi, estime que sa structure joue un rôle central dans la lutte contre la pauvreté car "l’extension de la protection sociale va constituer un élément fort" dans cette bataille que mène le gouvernement.
Kaieteur News (26.08.2015) Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Simona Broomes made it clear during her contribution to the recent budget debate that she intends to implement major reforms that will show more recognition of the importance of Guyanese.
Brookings Institution (30.06.2015) India today is already richer than Germany was when it introduced social insurance for all workers in the late 1880s. Indonesia is richer than the United States was in 1935, when the Social Security Act was passed. And China is richer than Britain was in 1948, when the National Health Service was introduced. So what can we learn from comparing developing countries today to richer countries when those countries were at equivalent levels of economic development?
D+C - Development + Cooperation (10.07.2015) Social protection policies prevent poverty, foster pro-poor growth and stabilise political orders. They also serve to reduce inequality. Markus Loewe of the German Development Institute discussed the history and basic concepts of welfare-state policies in an interview with Hans Dembowski.
polynésie 1ère (06.08.2015) La ministre du Travail et de la solidarité a présenté les prémices de la réforme de la protection sociale généralisée. Parmi les mesures envisagées, l’allongement de l’âge de départ à la retraite.
Pulse (31.07.2015) The Ministry of Gender Children and Social Protection will soon set up a Ghana National Household Registry (GNHR). This will help harmonise the registration of all social protection programmes in the country.
La libre (16.07.2015) La Chambre a approuvé jeudi en séance plénière après de longs débats parlementaires le relèvement de l'âge de la retraite à 67 ans. Le vote s'est déroulé majorité contre opposition. Seul le PP s'est abstenu.