Suisse: Santé publique - Les primes d’assurance maladie vont devenir insupportables
TDG (31.01.2017) Les coûts des soins médicaux devraient augmenter de 60% en Suisse d’ici treize ans, selon le cabinet d’audit Ernst&Young (Suisse).
TDG (31.01.2017) Les coûts des soins médicaux devraient augmenter de 60% en Suisse d’ici treize ans, selon le cabinet d’audit Ernst&Young (Suisse).
The Manila Times Online (23.01.2017) Income and social inequalities still persist in the country even as the economy shows brisk growth, with out-of-pocket spending for health care remaining a major portion of household expenditure, state-think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) said.
El País (09.02.2017) La isla cuenta con indicadores que son la envidia de la región, pero su sistema también tiene numerosas sombras
The Guardian (31.01.2017) People will be better off having entered marketplace exchanges even if options worsen under the Trump administration, experts say
The Guardian (16.02.2017) Age UK report calls for urgent action, including cash injection in spring budget and development of long-term plan. Social care in England is at risk of imminent collapse in the worst affected areas unless urgent steps are taken to address the crisis engulfing the sector, Age UK has warned. (04.02.2017) Basic medical insurance and maternity insurance will be merged for urban residents in 12 cities from the end of June this year, as a pilot project, according to a circular issued by the State Council on Feb 3.
OIT (10.02.2017) Une étude de l’OIT relève le manque de services de soins de longue durée pour les personnes âgées dans la région tandis qu’un nombre significatif de femmes émigrent vers l’Europe de l’Ouest afin de combler la pénurie de main-d’œuvre qui existe aussi dans ce secteur. Nous avons demandé à Kenichi Hirose, co-auteur de ce rapport avec Zofia Czepulis-Rutkowska, de nous en dire plus sur ces tendances.
The Japan Times (19.02.2017) The inauguration last month of Donald Trump as U.S. president and his plan to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act, known as “Obamacare,” has left many people here wondering: How does Japan compare?
Irish Medical Times (22.02.2017) The next Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the Department of Social Protection will be required to contribute to a major transformation process in relation to access, assessment for and review of entitlement to illness payments, as well as to help address capacity deficits, IMT reports. (17.02.2017) Wearing a fitness tracking device could earn you cash from your health insurance company. At first, this sounds lucrative for the people who participate, and good for the companies, who want healthier insurance customers. But it’s not quite so simple.