PhilHealth to release P30 billion to hospitals to fight CoViD-19
PhilHealth to release P30 billion to hospitals to fight CoViD-19
WHO expert group concludes Iran trip, says country's anti-epidemic work "in the right direction"
New Vision Zero self-check tool: Wellbeing and teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic | Vision Zero
The japanese company IDEC, an Vision Zero Supporter who signed up on the Vision Zero website to promote safety, health and wellbeing, has developed this interesting tool to manage wellbeing in times of COVID-19. Leveraging the Vision Zero philosophy to ensure Safety, Health, and Wellbeing, this checklist tool is based on the 7 Golden Rules. It focusses on the Vision Zero aspects of wellbeing, such as a ‘lack of control’ or a ‘lack of social support’ while working remotely, as well as other factors that define wellbeing at home.
España: Hispabot: un chatbot para resolver dudas sobre COVID19 (08.05.2029) El Gobierno de España ha puesto en marcha un asistente virtual llamado “Hispabot-Covid19”, que permite a los ciudadanos realizar preguntas relacionadas con la COVID-19 vía WhatsApp.
COVID-19 Series: Fumigation or Disinfection, they are not the same.
COVID-19 Series: Fumigation or Disinfection, they are not the same.
UN leads call to protect most vulnerable from mental health crisis during and after COVID-19 | | UN News
UN Secretary-General Policy Brief: COVID-19 and the need for action on mental health
Key messages:
The problem:
IOSH coronavirus webinars
IOSH have launched a series of webinars for occupational safety and health professionals on the Covid-19 situation.
EPI-WIN updates
The WHO information network for epidemics (EPI-WIN) publishes Corona Virus Updates in regular intervals, each time looking at a different risk or risk group.