Population ageing

Different models of work and welfare in ageing Europe

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Europa/News (03.02.2016) Europe's population is getting older. As a consequence of this demographic trend and recent pension reforms that increased the statutory retirement age and curtailed early retirement options, the number of older workers aged 55 and above increased by more than 12 million between 2004 and 2014 in the EU28, bringing their total number to 38 million.

Old-age pensions
Population ageing


International Day of Older Persons: More than half of the world’s older persons lack quality long-term care

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ilo.org (28.09.2015) A new ILO study reveals a global shortfall of 13.6 million care workers undermining the delivery of quality services to more than half of the world’s older persons.

Population ageing
Long-term care


Uganda: Govt Extends Senior Citizens Grant to 40 More Districts

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allAfrica.com (24.08.2015) Government has expanded the social protection grants to cover the elderly in 40 more districts in addition to the present 15 districts. The Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development Muruli Mukasa disclosed this in Kampala while announcing the roll-out of the assistance, also known as the Senior Citizens Grant, in which the non-pension beneficiaries aged 65 and above receive a monthly pay of Shs 25,000.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Population ageing
Social assistance

[Opinion] Pension reforms since the financial crisis could have a serious impact on the future retirement incomes of young Europeans

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London School of Economics (11.08.2015) What effect has the financial crisis had on pension systems in EU countries? Aaron G. Grech notes that prior to the crisis there was a significant divergence in pensions across the EU, with some states having relatively generous systems in comparison to others. He writes that following the crisis, southern European states have had to substantially cut back on pensions, while other states in northern Europe have remained relatively unscathed.

Regions / Country
european union
Old-age pensions
Population ageing

Les Grecs ont les mêmes retraites qu'en Allemagne ou en France ?

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France Info (08.07.2015) Les retraites de la Grèce sont l'un des principaux sujets de discussion entre la Grèce et ses créanciers. D'après l'ancien ministre et député Les Républicains Eric Woerth, "les Grecs ont les mêmes retraites qu'en Allemagne ou qu'en France, voire plus, dans des conditions plus généreuses".

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Population ageing