Grecia continúa sin encontrar una reforma de pensiones sostenible
El Salvador (09.02.2016) Analistas consideran que Grecia tendrá que lograr crecimiento de 1.5 % para una reforma sostenible.
El Salvador (09.02.2016) Analistas consideran que Grecia tendrá que lograr crecimiento de 1.5 % para una reforma sostenible.
Reuters (09.01.2016) Greece's leftist government will be able to push through a crucial pension reform in parliament, part of measures the country has agreed to under its international bailout, the deputy prime minister said in a newspaper interview released on Saturday.
El Exonomista (07.01.2016) La Comisión Europea ha afirmado este jueves que está analizando "en detalle" la propuesta de reforma del sistema de pensiones que el Gobierno de Grecia presentó el lunes a los acreedores internacionales en el marco del tercer programa de rescate, uno de los puntos más controvertidos del mismo y que más críticas ha levantado entre la oposición "Recibimos el borrador la noche del lunes. (05.01.2016) Athens maintains it will not cut pension spending as part of reforms demanded by the Troika
Reuters (05.01.2016) Le gouvernement grec a dévoilé mardi son projet de réforme du système des retraites, qu'il a transmis à ses créanciers.
Reuters (03.12.2015) PM faces resistance to reforms at home. Nationwide strike is second in three weeks. (26.08.2015) Around 122,000 pensioners face reduced supplementary pensions, including freelancers, self-employed doctors, engineers and lawyers. Under a ministerial decision signed by Alternate Minister for Social Security Pavlos Haikalis as part of Greece’s third memorandum, 11 auxiliary funds will automatically be included in a single supplementary insurance fund, ETEA, for around 1.8 million pensioners.
EurActiv(04.08.2015) Greece and its lenders discussing a third multi-billion-euro bailout deal have agreed that pension reforms will affect only those who retired after the end of June, labour ministry officials said on Monday (3 August).
CNN (16.07.2015) The Greek pension system is messy, convoluted and downright weird, giving preferential treatment to some workers like hairdressers, sausage makers and policemen, while penalizing farmers. (13.07.2015) Throughout the grueling, six-month battle over Greece’s bailout terms, the most contentious issue has been that of pensions. As Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tries this week to sell the deal to his reluctant party, the left-wing Syriza coalition, retirement benefits will likely take center-stage.