Когда государство выполняет обещания: кто получил выплаты по безработице Читать далее (When the state fulfills promises: who received unemployment benefits)

Submitted by socpro on
measures summary

Starting from April 9,the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan began to pay a lump sum (190 manat) to the unemployed,as part of measures to combat the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.
Within the framework of the social package 190 manat ($112) lump-sum was planning to be paid to 200,000 unemployed citizens in April and May (then number was increased to 600,000). Another 50,000 unemployed people will get 300 manat aid per month. For the employees who had the salary higher than the monthly average the upper limit of social aid is set at 712 manat.

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