Guideline 23. Informing the citizen/client about benefits and services

Guideline 23. Informing the citizen/client about benefits and services

App folder
Guideline code
Old code

The Orange Envelope

The extensive mailing of the Orange Envelope, the annual statement regarding the public pension system, to all pension savers, creates during one month a season for pension information.

The Orange Envelope is very well known. It shows the importance of working longer and it is a great platform to make pension savers, either via digital channels or through the Pension Agency's customer service, to get help to understand the full pension and to explain which behaviours lead to a higher or lower pension.

Communication based on life events

We have developed three basic life situations for our customers: Save for retirement, Plan your retirement and Live with your pension. To think and plan for these situations helps us to provide better targeted information to our customers, develop the services they need and want, and also provides a natural starting point for our long-term planning. Our communication is also tailored to target groups within the framework of the respective life situations.

The Message Manual

The Message Manual is a brochure, in both printed and digital format, where the majority, and the most important, of our messages to pensioners and pension savers are expressed in a simple way. The manual is a support for all who have direct customer contact, so we can ensure that our messages are common and uniform. The preparation process of the Message Manual is also an easy and practical way to agree internally on what messages we wish to communicate externally.