Guideline 9. Determining contribution amounts and billing

Guideline 9. Determining contribution amounts and billing

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Modernizing the information system to improve service quality and combat fraud

In July 2013, the National Social Security Fund (Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS)) launched a programme to improve its information system by integrating the use of biometric cards and e-declarations in its operation. With the biometric card, insured individuals will be able to verify the payment of their contributions, obtain all career and status information, simulate the conditions of their upcoming retirement and collect benefit payments at a kiosk.

Integrating technology to improve operational processes

The National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) is responsible for administration and payment of eight benefit types: Retirement, Survival and Invalidity Pensions, Retirement and Survival Grants, Temporary and Permanent Disablement Benefits, and Refunds.
Prior to the introduction of technology, benefit processing workflow took an average of 120 days. This was due to lack of, or inadequate paper records. Every department involved in the process had separate rules, some of which were counterproductive.