[Report] ILO to launch new book on social dialogue trends in the EU
ILO (30.03.2017) New ILO study highlights emerging trends and good practices in social dialogue based on case studies in eleven EU Member States.
ILO (30.03.2017) New ILO study highlights emerging trends and good practices in social dialogue based on case studies in eleven EU Member States.
EurActiv (30.03. 2017) Putting more than 10 years of paralysis behind it, the European Commission finally launched a revision of the directive on the prevention of occupational cancers in May 2016. Lawmakers can now address reprotoxic substances in the workplace, writes Laurent Vogel.
Euractiv (11.08.2016) Poor housing is costing EU economies €194bn every year in healthcare, social services and lost productivity, research has found.
Europa (20.07.2016) The College adopted today a Communication re-examining its proposal for a revision of the Posting of Workers Directive in the context of the subsidiarity control mechanism that several national parliaments triggered in May. After careful consideration of their views, the Commission concludes that the proposal for a revision of the Directive does not constitute a breach of the subsidiarity principle.
EurActiv.com (14.07.2016) The European Commission plans to reject 11 ‘yellow cards’ from the EU’s eastern member states on the new Posted Workers Directive. The debate has exposed a deep East-West divide. EurActiv France reports.
Le Monde (20.07.2016) Bruxelles a décidé de rester ferme. Malgré l’opposition de onze Etats membres, essentiellement est-européens, la commissaire à l’emploi et aux affaires sociales, la belge Marianne Thyssen, devait annoncer, mercredi 20 juillet, qu’elle maintenait en l’état son projet de révision de la directive de 1996 sur les « travailleurs détachés »
euractiv.com (01.07.2016) In the wake of the British vote, European trade unions are getting ready to prevent Brexit becoming an alibi to destroy even more social protections, Luca Visentini said in an interview with EurActiv.com.
Europa (28.06.2016) Today, the Commission published its summer edition of the Employment and Social Situation Quarterly review (ESSQR). The review confirmed an increase of the overall employment rate, for both the EU and the euro area – an increase representing 3 million more employed people in the EU than one year before.
Reuters (21.06.2016) Europe's growing army of robot workers could be classed as "electronic persons" and their owners liable to paying social security for them if the European Union adopts a draft plan to address the realities of a new industrial revolution.
Numerama (22.06.2016) Comment financer la sécurité sociale lorsque les employés mis aux chômage par les robots ne versent plus de cotisations ? Pour Mady Delvaux, auteure d'un projet de résolution qui sera débattu au Parlement européen, il est temps de faire cotiser les robots.