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Tools for the innovation of health promotion in the workplace

Good Practice: Tools for the Innovation of Health Promotion in the Workplace: Programme “Por un Buen Trabajo” (For a Healthy Job).

This programme, developed by the Department of Preventive Health of the Chilean Safety Association (Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS)), is intended as a specific methodological tool to develop management skills in the area of health promotion in the workplace. Its general objective is to develop effective strategies in health promotion with a long-term perspective.

IMSS Digital

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), as the largest social security institute in Latin America, services 70 million Mexicans through 6,000 medical units and administrative facilities across the country.

Transparency and accountability strategy: Development of the Social Report

At the initiative of the Management Board of the Mutual Association for the Protection of the Family (Asociación Mutual de Protección Familiar (AMPF)), and as a key element of an accountability strategy, in 2000 work began to develop the Social Report. The aim is to make known the work performed and the main decisions taken within the organization in pursuit of institutional transparency.

ARGENTA Programme

By Decree No. 246/11, in December 2011, the national Government implemented a credit programme for retirees and pensioners called ARGENTA. This allows seniors to obtain loans that are repaid in 12, 24 or 40 instalments at the lowest market rates: the Total Annual Effective Financial Cost ranges from 31 to 35 per cent according to the number of instalments.

Second stage of the Pension Regularization Programme

By Act No. 26970 (complementing previous Act 24476), in September 2014, the national Government introduced a new Pension programme to regularize arrears of pension contributions, extending the time-limit under the Pension Regularization Programme introduced in 2005.

The programme is aimed at those who have reached statutory retirement age (65 for men and 60 for women) or who will reach such age during the two years of the Act's validity, providing them with access to pension benefit provided that they satisfy the minimum length of payments (30 years).

Campaign "Check, Measure and Move"

Under the process to improve medical services, the Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS)) has designed and implemented the Integrated Health Programmes (PREVENIMSS) strategy, which is based on the use of preventive actions.

With the objective of strengthening its outreach, in 2013 IMSS designed the campaign "Chécate, Mídete, Muévete" (Check, Measure and Move) for the prevention and control of excess weight and obesity, considered to be one of the main public health problems in Mexico.

Integration of social security administration with the National ID

The social security administrator, as mandated in the Law, must provide a single identity number to its members. As part of the social security reform processes in Indonesia, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan initiated a project to integrate its whole administration system with the National ID administered by the Home Affairs Ministry (which was recently reformed in the agenda of national public administration).