Good Practice: Tools for the Innovation of Health Promotion in the Workplace: Programme “Por un Buen Trabajo” (For a Healthy Job).
This programme, developed by the Department of Preventive Health of the Chilean Safety Association (Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS)), is intended as a specific methodological tool to develop management skills in the area of health promotion in the workplace. Its general objective is to develop effective strategies in health promotion with a long-term perspective.
Under this programme, several innovative tools have been developed in the aim of adopting health promotion as a long-term and permanent strategy in the workplaces associated with ACHS.
The tools designed include the following: Effective communication in health promotion, training on the basic elements of health promotion, tools to evaluate access to health and the level of satisfaction with the quality of life.
This programme comprises six stages with different actions and tools that enable enterprises to adopt healthy lifestyle habits for their workers.
The experience of implementing the programme has been systematized. Moreover, it is a great experience in terms of structural innovation strategies for health promotion.
Primer Piso Anexo A, Gerencia de Salud