Asset Deployment of International Portfolio

The authority pension fund is a long term investor with a cash-flow positive over the near term and a long-term horizon. Hence , the authority board believed the priority for the next five to Ten years should be to grow the investment portfolio in order to reduce the reliance of future contribution to pay for benefits . The authority assets were experiencing faster growth in 2014 due to increased cash inflow from monthly contribution by additional 3 per cent. In 2015, the Authority board decided to carry out asset deployment project with help from investment consultant to build investment strategy with the focus to invest outside local market which is a major undertaking and need to be carefully considered and consistent with the authority investment beliefs. Based on economic environment, the position of the authority internationally portfolio is poised for better returns as the open up especially against the local investment on investment opportunities locally a 5 year transition period plan to full deploy the assets internationally over the life of the investment cycle was a sensible step.

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