A.1.3. Predictability

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The legislation, policy or decree that establishes the social security programme normally prescribes its manner of financing and the benefits to be provided to the covered population.

Predictability refers to the consistent and uniform application of the law, including the rules and regulations to implement it. Stakeholders are generally averse to sudden or unannounced changes in contributions to and benefits from the programme. The methodical application of the programme will strengthen stakeholder confidence and support for it.

Predictability underlines the importance of stakeholder consultation and consensus building prior to the implementation of any change in the programme. An effective communications strategy and public relations programme are important in keeping stakeholders informed of developments in the social security scheme, and their impact on stakeholder rights and obligations.

These three guidelines will assist the board to promote the principle of predictability in the administration of a social security institution.

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A.1.3. Predictability